Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Started streaming again

It's been a while since I was streaming because of life and, well... No computer. Still haven't bought a new one. I'm currently using and old Acer computer, but it works. Last time I was streaming WoW, but this time it's a little bit different. I recently started playing Open TTD (Transport Tycoon) again, so that's what I've been streaming for the last couple of days. But I'm thinking of streaming some LoL soon, which I don't think I've done before. However, I'm not competing for ranks so I will probably just be chilling out with some normal games and music.

On another topic, I've been going back and forth on whether I should play some WoW or not. Sometimes I miss it, but there's no point in renewing my subscription if I'm not going to play it a lot (that money could be used for better things). Until I've decided about that, Open TTD and LoL will have to do.