Monday, April 21, 2014

School break almost over

Tomorrow will be my last day on the school break and I haven't really accomplished much this week. I handed in my application for the fall a couple of days ago and I REALLY hope I will get in to at least one of the educations I choosed. I focused on game development, with programming as my first priority and game design as my second. I will probably know in a couple of months if any of them accepted me.
I will spend the day tomorrow preparing for school and possibly fit some gaming in there somewhere.

Oh, I almost forgot.. I got my first pentakill on LoL two days ago.. Unfortunately it was a bot game, so it doesn't really count.. Next goal: Getting penta on PvP! :)

Monday, April 14, 2014


You can now find this blog at Bloglovin'!

Busy day, busy week

Well, technically I had a slow morning, watching "2 Broke girls" and checking my websites, but tomorrow is the final day to hand in applications for the educations that will start in the fall, so that is what I am going to do this evening. I also have some minor things that needs to be done, and I haven't yet decided in which order to take them on. I have a lot on my plate right now but hey, I'm still on school break! :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014


And as usual, I have math until lunch. Tomorrow at noon, school ends and we will have one week off. Can't wait! I don't really have any plans, I just really need a break! I'm going to take a few days off, then I have a lot of studying to do.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Today we're working with wordpress in our virtual Lubuntu machines. Last time we did that, I found out that I apparently already had a wordpress blog! 30 seconds ago I got a message on it, wishing me happy anniversary since I registered it one year ago. Who knew!? I'm thinking about updating that site and run it in swedish, but since I already have this blog, I'm not sure if I wan't to spend more time on that. I'll make a few posts tho and time will tell what happens. If you wan't to take a look at my page, you can find it HERE.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Another short weekend

Just like two weeks ago, I had to be in school on a saturday. Granted, another type of studying, but studying none the less. I went to a school to take a total of five tests that kept me busy from 8.30 am-4.30 p.m.
You are given 55 minutes to complete each test and I really don't think that's enough time. Some questions I was just guessing without reading them properly, because there wasn't enough time to complete the test (there are A,B,C,D,E boxes and you mark one of them to answer the question).

These tests can increase your chance of getting in to a university, but I don't really think I did that well this time.. Each time you complete these tests, the results are valid for five years and then they're considered expired. I took the test one time before, but that was five years ago and since those results expire in the fall, when I plan to study again, I had to take the test again. Well, you don't have to, but it helps. I think my last test went much better, but hopefully it's not too bad.

Today I started my morning with some photoshop, now I'm in IT class (web design) and will have that until the end of the day. I think I'll be gaming tonight. Not sure what tho.. I feel like I wanna build something, so perhaps some Sims 3? Or Minecraft? Or some LoL, feel like playing that too.