Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Tonight I took a little trip down memory lane and played the very first edition of The Sims. Or rather, "The Sims Complete Collection" which I bought many years ago. It contains the original The Sims, along with all expansions to the first version of The Sims and I have to say, I forgot how much I liked those graphics and that old content. I don't usually play Sims, but in my opinion there is so much that is better with Sims 2 & 3, for example: in Sims 2 & 3 you no longer have to refill the mood meters every five minutes you play; they just went low so fast in the first Sims. Still, it was fun playing this game that I spent almost an entire summer on, over ten years ago. Time really flies and with so many new games and expansions released, it's easy to forget the old ones or the classics. Every now and then I enjoy blowing the dust off of an old game, install and play it. And sometimes, reminiscing about how my life used to be the last time (or the first time) I played that game.

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