Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I'm back at the place where I used to live and where some of my stuff still lives. ^^ This week will be all about packing as much of it as possible and clear out some space. I decided to dedicate wednesday to socialization, to catch a break from sorting and packing stuff, so I'm gonna go shopping and then meet up with some friends. I'll be shopping for new computer games, Magic cards (Magic: The Gathering) and some piercing jewellry.

Right now there are lots of boxes filled with my stuff, and they are everywhere. It's amazing how much junk a person can collect in their life.. I still have plenty of stuff to pack and store and I'll be happy when it's all over. So much for spring break.. I won't get much rest, but I might quite possibly break some bones, some stuff or something else before I'm done here.. :P

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