Saturday, March 1, 2014

Finally weekend!

Finally time time to relax and enjoy that... Or so I thought. I have a feeling this will be a very slow and uninteresting weekend.. Last night I was watching the movie "War of the worlds" with some friens, and that was probably the only nice thing about the entire day.. I was so tired when I was invited there and almost didn't go, and it wasn't until halfway through the movie that the tiredness started to fade away..
When the movie was over, we watched some Youtube clips and I decided to play some computer games when I got home. I didn't. I felt so tired, because I rarely sleep, so I just turned off my computer and went straight to bed. It wasn't even three in the morning yet.

I woke up this morning and I can't really say I felt well rested. My entire body was hurting, including my face, haha. I've had problems with my knees for a few days now, but today it was really my back that was killing me the most. So this will be a slow day. Started off with some gaming, then breakfast and watching  the new series I started to follow. It's called "Under the dome" and it's about a town which suddenly finds itself under a mysterious dome that dropped down over the entire town. They don't know how it got there and they can't get out. Kinda interesting.

I suspect the rest of my evening will consist of gaming and watching series and movies. But hey, some weekends are supposed to be lazy. :)

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